Savannah: Back in the Day Bakery
2403 Bull Street
Savannah, GA
One thing at the very top of my Savannah list of places to visit was the Back in the Day Bakery. I'd seen it on Jamie Beck's blog and she highly recommended it on the list of must-sees she gave me.
On a rainy day it was an amazing, indulging breakfast pit stop.
I mean, biscuits and jam? I could have those every day.
(Also, who knew that I could have been sitting so close to one of my Instagram connections - wow, small world!)
Reader Comments (6)
I've loved your Savannah series - I've never been and it's high on my list. and how great that you got a special list from a special photographer?!
Thanks Elizabeth! Yes, Jamie's list was so special, I literally did everything on her list :) hahahaa!
I was already on the hungry side, I should have known better than to click on "foodhogger" darnit! There aren't many things as comforting as a warm, made from scratch biscuit with butter and jam. I LOVE Savannah, I cannot wait to return xo
hahah Georgina, you're so funny! I can't wait to return to Savannah, too!
LOVE this post Smita! I went to Back in the Day entirely too much when I lived in Savannah! I ran into Paula Deen once, and Jamie Deen a few times. My favorites were the salty chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon rolls, and caprese sandwich!
Hi Christie, thanks so much for visiting! You lived in Savannah? I LOVE it there! Mmm salty choco chip....sounds so yummy. I wish I had more time to spend at Back in the Day.