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Amsterdam: Rembrandt's House

If you were a fine art student like I was, you would have dreamt of the day you got to visit Rembrandt's house. Now, years later, even with much of my Rembrandt knowledge residing only in the far recesses of my memory, I was still pumped to check out his digs.

I'll spare you all of the history, which you can read here, but will tell you that Rembrandt bought this house in 1639 and lived there until he went bankrupt. All of his belongings were auctioned off - of course they were - but since then, it's been turned into a museum. The new wing was created for exhibition purposes and the old house restored and set up as it would have appeared in the 17th century.

Come see!

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Reader Comments (7)

Whoa, Rembrandt had some pretty nice digs (especially that bed!).

February 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterReading (and chickens)

Right? So cosy!

February 10, 2012 | Registered CommenterSmita

There are few things I like more than visiting the homes of historic figures. It always inspires a fabulous mixture of emotions for me: awe, sadness, happiness, intrigue, etc.

Gorgeous photos, as always. Jealous you got to see this place :)

February 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHannah

Hey're tagged in an 11 things post at my blog...but no pressure!

Also, I feel like a broken record telling you how gorgeous your photos are. I need an auto-comment function for your blog. ;-)

February 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterClair

ah! so so lucky!! look at that quaint kitchen, love!! p.s. my cargos are calvin klein, think i got them at macy's a few years ago and huckleberry caramel corn is pretty much like the kettle corn that you find at farmer's markets - with some of the popcorn being coated in a sweet coating of huckleberry, it's really great!!

February 12, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkristina

this would be amazing to see! i went to anne frank's house in amsterdam...what an experience.

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjaime

Clair, I'm off to see what you've done!
Kristina, thanks for explaining and now I'll need some of that.
Jaime, yes Anne Frank's house was something else!

February 15, 2012 | Registered CommenterSmita

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