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Greece: Santorini, Skaros Rock

Certainly one of the most unique places to stay would be inside a cave, wouldn't you say?

Hotel Sunny Villas, with its incredible caldera and sunset views, was one such place and with it being situated in front of the famed Skaros Rock, it was an ideal location for a morning hike.

Now, I'm not a hiker, and not an adventure seeker, either, so seeing a well-trodden path on Skaros made me feel confident about this type of hike.

Then we met a group who had just done the hike and were resting at the foot of it, amongst them was an older lady with a cane.

They told us that there's a hidden CHURCH on the other side of Skaros Rock, that is only accessible if you hike over some fallen rocks, which, when you approach them, appear to be the end of the road. However if you hike OVER these trecherous rocks (with a sheer drop on the other side) the path continues on down to the church. With an incredible view. 

And a closer view of Heaven I thought, if I slipped.


The old lady did it.

So we gave it a go, and of course at the pile of fallen rocks, the camera was put away, but you can see that they were right.

Totally worth it.

Heaven, on earth.

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Reader Comments (2)

why didn't I hike this again?! amazing.

June 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDaisy

Maybe you didn't because it was freaky! No guardrails, oh wait...there was a rusty one or two. Glad I did it, now, but wasn't so sure at the time.

June 20, 2012 | Registered CommenterSmita

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