Halloween: FRIDA KAHLO
A few years ago I was Frida Kahlo for Hallowe'en. It was the easiest home-made costume for me to pull off, I loved doing it. So much so, I did it again the following year for a work Hallowe'en party. Here's what you need:
- Dark hair or wig with hair that is already pulled up and away from the face.
- Flowers - I like red Carnations
- Hairpins - bobby pins
- Dangly earrings
- Spanish looking attire - ie. a full length skirt in a bright colour or ruffled, tiered skirt
- frilly top or bright spanish-looking dress/shirt
- a shawl
- red lipstick + blush
- mascara
Simply part your hair down the middle, into two sections, and french-braid your hair starting from the bottom of your scalp (from you neck) up to the top of your head so that you can pile your hair up at the top of your head. Tie the braids and pin the end of the braids at the top of your head. Hide the pins by pinning flowers (carnations) at the top of your head. Apply the mascara in a thin layer between your brows making it look like a uni-brow. You can also fill the rest of your brows with the mascara to add to the thickness. Put on some blush, lipstick, wear your earrings and outfit, wrap yourself in the shawl and you're done!
What are you doing for Hallowe'en? Are you dressing up? If so, what as?

Reader Comments (11)
I love that you put your pic with hers!
Wow, at first sight I really thought I would see a photograph of Frida Kahlo. With that hair and the dress you look just like her :) Frida Kahlo is one of my favourite female artists, her art and life is very inspiring.
Oh you do look just like FK! Great costume!
WOW...fantastic, sweetie. You look amazing and what a brilliant costume idea. Have a great Tuesday. Muah
The resemblence is uncanny! Amazing costume!
No, I didn't dress up this year. A snowstorm screwed up our plans. Next year!
I didn't dress up this year, but that costume is amazing (and so amazingly simple!). What a great idea! I'll have to put that in my pocket and try to remember it for next year!
That's an amazing costume Smita! Love the facial expression as well, very Frida!
Perfect! Wish we had a party to attend this year. We're living in the desert and I would totally rock the Georgia O'Keeffe look.
Oooh what a thought!
Amaaaaazing I love it!
Thank you Andi :) (SO EASY!)