Cold Stone, San Francisco, CA
Fisherman's Wharf
333 Jefferson Street
(between Jones St & Leavenworth St)
San Francisco, CA 94133
Cost: priceless!
After a full day of walking around the city, I can't tell you just how excited I was to be here!
Decisions! Decisions!
After a few (read: many) taste-tests, we finally decided on banana and french toast with smashings of Kit Kat, Reeses Pieces and Crunch in a medium waffle dish.
Even split three ways this was still the ultimate in indulgences and we felt slightly ill afterwards as we headed towards Ghiradelli's (I know! For more chocolately goodness..e.sss.esszzzzzzzz)
Oh, also apparently if you tip the servers, they sing for you! We found this out a bit too late to try, but it's something to keep in mind for next time, and undoubtedly there will be a next time!

Reader Comments (3)
What is the cost of fixing photo links?!?!?! ;)
btw, flickr and blogger love each other
hahahaha!!! :(