Product: Truffle Pig
You know how much I love bacon.
And chocolate.
The taste combined? Not so much....
The name combined? Works really well.
Hagensborg Chocolates: Truffle Pig
I certainly hope that the hasty manner in which these photographs were taken are an indication of how darn decadent these chocolates are! I obviously couldn't wait to rip open the package and take a bite.
Speaking of packaging, isn't it adorable? LOVE the design!
The chocolate itself comes in lovely voluminous piggy shapes.....sadly, not evident in this image...I was too eager, what can I say?
Dark & White Raspberry
You'd be too.
Check out the fantastical Hagensborg Chocolate company based out in Vancouver Canada, for more. Sadly can't buy these delights online, however, Zimbel's Cafe carries them ($3) in Peanut Butter, Orange and Raspberry flavours. There's also plain ol' milk chocolate which I suspect is anything but plain.

Reader Comments (3)
The packaging is not's horrible
Who would showcase a fat pig on their chocolate wrappers?
How many calories are in one bar? Let me think..."PIGillions"
I would rather induldge in a Moose Munch Chocolate bar from the gay guys named Famous Harry and Famous David. Certainly far better than HagensBarf fat piggy chocolates.
They are gross to look at and eat! Yuck!
Your comment made me laugh sweetcheeks! I'd have to disagree with your very passionate response to Truffle Pig. I think they're awesome.
I haven't tried Famous Harry and Famous David, I believe it's just called Harry and David, though? Will give the Moose Munch a try.
Sounds so Delish! I think I'll have to try one soon! Yummy!