Product: Ricepod Wasabi Mix
From: Fresh & Wild
69 Spadina Avenue (King & Spadina)
Cost: $2.99
My friend just offered me some of this.
It says it's 'spicy' on the package but I know spicy; I laugh in the face of spicy. Bwhahaa.
I had two that were stuck together and my head just exploded.
It's raeally hared to teaype with brain awell ovwer teh kyewbaord.

Reader Comments (8)
ohhhhh noooooooo!! not brains on the keyboard!!! ew!...scoop'em up fast and stick'em back in yer head lady! I am now afraid to try these. heheheh
Try 'em Try 'em!
hmmmm...brain all ower da quebored...woa! Must be damn hawt...I heart hawt but heart my brane more....I thinks I stays aways!
It's hot hot hot!
I teared up!
hahaha, it was damn hawt, for sure!
I still got some on my desk tam! you know you wanna.
hmm.. looks really yummy! Funny article! loved it!
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