Le Gourmand's TWITTER deal!
Le Gourmand's TWITTER page claims:
"Buy a cookie get a free coffee this afternoon...Twitter followers only. Please RT about 3 hours ago via web"
After tweeting this on my Twitter:
@legourmandTO Do I get a free cookie for blogging about you since 2007? http://foodhogger.com/2007/07/19/le-gourmand-grocer-cafe/
Le G responded:
But of course....and thank you!!! 4:34 PM Sep 28th
So I went in today to claim my free cookie, but the lovely ladies behind the counter knew of no such Twitter page!
Which made me suspicious, so to clarify I talked to the manager there, and he said there's no correlation between their person who Tweets and himself, so even though I DID get my free cookie today, the lady ahead of me in line did not get her free coffee that they claimed they'd give out, which is a shame because the woman bought four cookies!
Come on Le Gourmand, you guys should stick to your Tweet. Implement a confirmation number or some such if you want to continue this Twitter deal!

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