Vegetarian Cafe @ The Big Carrot
348 Danforth Avenue,Toronto
As far as vegetarian cuisine goes, a lot of it is spent on trying to recreate MEAT! I've got an idea. Don't! Vegetables are delicious on their own, and we don't need the fake stuff pretending to be what it ain't.
Since returning from Hawaii a month ago, I've stopped eating chicken, and have to admit I don't miss it. However, I'd rather eat the real deal than the fake meat made with soy products.
As good as the texture and shapes are in replicating real meat, I find they tend to be overly salty and really wreck havoc on my system. That said, I do like Morningstar's ground soy - which works really well in tacos. Sadly, it's only available in the States (for now, do you hear me Morningstar people?)
At the Vegetarian Cafe, most of the dishes seemed to have curry powder or cumin in them, which lent a kind of ethnic, indian curry flavour to most of the foods.
Not a fan.
The best tasting dish was probably the spicy squash and the roasted vegetables, but those are things I could have cooked at home for far less.
Each item is weighed on your plate but you have no control as to how much the servers plop on your plate! I ended up with more than I would have served myself, and it weighed in at $17!
I also didn't like that they warm up your plate in either a MICROWAVE or oven. We much preferred the oven option. For $17, I'd like to think there was some work involved.
For veg cuisine, I won't be returning to The Big Carrot's Vegetarian Cafe. Nor would I shop there for my groceries - the "Kiss My Face" hand soap I did purchase there was rung in by a surly looking cashier. Would it kill you to smile? Honestly.
I'd much rather visit Dukem for their authentic Ethiopian veggie plate. Nummy.

Reader Comments (2)
Great photos Foodhogger! Thanks for saving me money - I'll definitely try Dukem soon.
Thanks for your comment Vegmann!