Mycitycuisine is a great Wiki project aiming to help travelers discover local foods from all over the world. It's an open invitation to anyone who would like to include a dish that is indigenous to a certain area; a local dish. Not a recipe. A local meal or food.
For example:
Vancouver: Beans on Toast: buttered toast, stewed beans
Ankara, Turkey: Toyga: soup made of chickpeas, spinach, garlic, pepper, yogurt, egg yolk and flour.
Bordeaux: Fruits de mer: a seafood dish traditionally made of raw and cooked shellfish. Image: Marylou Jean
It's a great idea but they need your help in expanding this project.
They're currently looking for contributors, in particularly in Jakarta, Manila, Singapore,Taipei, Hong Kong, Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Hanoi.
If you'd like to contribute, here's what you do.

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