Frugal Fare #7: Boston: Costco: Best Hand Dipped Chocolate Ice Cream Bar
Sssssh, I'm going to let you in on a little secret.
Costco, yes, mega wholesaler COSTCO, has THE BEST hand dipped chocolate vanilla ice cream covered in almonds, bar.
Plus it's only $1.50 and it's the size of a baby elephant. (photos via iphone)
6 Comments | | tagged almonds, chocolate hand dipped, chocolate ice cream, costco, costco hand dipped chocolate bar, desserts, frugal fare, ice cream, new england, vanilla ice cream | in Chocolates, Dessert, Frugal Fare, Ice-cream, New Hampshire | Friday, February 3, 2012 at 3:33PM
Reader Comments (6)
okay i'm going to costco tomorrow! i'm due for a trip anyways - this sounds and looks fantastic!!
xx, kristina
Kristina, let me know how you liked it if you do try it!
this looks delicious.
For more lovely chocolate go to, I recently discovered this amazing place located in France.
That looks so yum!! No Costco in UK :(
That looks so yum!! No Costco in UK :(