Product: TILDA Basmati Rice
We have this joke about how I love me some rice. There's normal portions of rice and then my portion of rice (imagine, if you will, a pyramid).
It's ridiculous because it's TRUE.
And Tilda's Basmati is rice royalty. Fluffy, long-grained, and non-sticky.
I was ecstatic to collaborate with Tilda on their latest two minute rice packets.
I opened this one up right way and literally two minutes later, pilau (indian masala-spiced rice) was standing up to the other indian dishes on my plate, dishes that took way longer than two minutes, mind you!
If you've ever cooked rice on the stove or in a rice cooker, you know it doesn't take two minutes. And this is no Uncle Ben's two minute rice, this is gourmet, fluffy, long-grained, no-preservatives, BASMATI rice.
It's portioned to serve two (one, if you're talking about me).
I can't even tell you how pumped I am about this product. The other packets didn't last long enough to even try various recipes, I was just happy eating them as is.
And excellent addition to the pantry, well worth having, and so tasty, you may just start eating rice like me.
Recipes to try with Tilda's Steamed Rice Pilau: Tilapia Curry and Indian Style Beets.