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Entries in Stowe (3)


Product: Green Mountain Coffee

There are two smells worth waking up for.

Coffee. and. Bacon.

Not necessarily together (but that would certainly be bliss!)

Green Mountain Coffee is one of those coffee brands that just got it RIGHT. Founded as a small cafe in Waitsfield, Vermont, the brand has since grown to more than 100 high-quality varieties and most recently acquired Keurig, the single cup brewing system (my sister has one and it's brilliant!).

It's easily the best coffee I've had on vacation when Earl Grey just wouldn't do, and the Nantucket blend has such a lovely fragrance perculating throughout the house, like a promise of the weekend to come...

Many thanks to Green Mountain Coffee for refreshing my coffee stash with the Nantucket and Island Coconut blends!




Vermont: Stowe, Black Cap Coffee


144 Main St
Stowe, VT 05672

On Main Street, is the Black Cap Coffee shop, a quaint, picturesque coffee house, exactly how you would imagine there to be in a ski town.

For coffee, teas, hot chocolates, you can't go wrong. I didn't try any of there delectable delights, although the Easter sugar cookies were calling my name...

 A tea to go and ready to explore a bit, although everything was closed for Easter...except Shaw's General Store...still, it made it easy to go back to our hotel.





Vermont: Stowe, Ben & Jerry's, Cabot Cheese


Ben & Jerry's 1281 Waterbury Stowe Rd, Waterbury, VT 05676

Cabot Cheese 2878 Main St, Cabot, VT 05647

Who knew that the Ben & Jerry's factory was in quaint and picturesque Stowe?

Not to mention Cabot Cheese? I literally ran out of Lactaid, but that may have been TMI. And while the lactose-free MILD cheddar I got is incredibly sharp, I'm always just happy to find lactose-free cheese.

And hey, I didn't really spill my ice cream!

Don't forget, TODAY is Ben & Jerry's FREE CONE DAY!

Love this fake ice cream spill!